Woodbridge Park Education Service

Coronavirus Risk Assessment

We are a Covid-secure environment across all our sites.

We ask that all visitors, staff and pupils attending our sites only do so if they are free from Covid symptoms.

We expect all people attending our sites to carry tissues, to sanitise their hands on entry and regularly throughout the school day. We expect everyone to respect social distancing and follow the signage around our buildings.

Information on Coronavirus

Coronavirus Facts

Should you have any questions or concerns at any point over the coming days, weeks and months, you can email your child’s centre staff on:

ks3@woodbridgepark.hounslow.sch.uk (KS3 site)

ks4@woodbridgepark.hounslow.sch.uk (KS4 site)

cate@woodbridgepark.hounslow.sch.uk (CATE)

bridge@woodbridgepark.hounslow.sch.uk (The Bridge)

comroll@woodbridgepark.hounslow.sch.uk (Students on our Commissioned)


Centre Risk Assessment


KS3 Risk Assessment

KS4 Risk Assessment

CATE Risk Assessment

Primary Risk Assessment

Our Locations