Vision & Values
Together, we can do it!
We will change lives for the better. Every child will experience success and be able to move onto the next stage of their personal journey, attending well, able to manage their emotions. Every child will leave ambitious, with the character, skills, knowledge, credentials and the love for learning needed to build a brighter future.
There are no limits to what everyone can achieve.
We have ambition for all, and no one is left behind. Everyone deserves dignity and respect, and an outstanding education in a safe, happy environment. An ambitious, tailored curriculum, high expectations and outstanding personal development enable everyone to experience good wellbeing and limitless achievement. We encourage a love for learning, improved self-regulation and personal resilience. We provide a fresh start with calm, trauma-aware adults. At Woodbridge Park, equality, tolerance, forgiveness and relationships matter.
We will all work hard individually and together to:
DREAM about the future we want
BELIEVE that anything is possible
ACHIEVE the steps towards our dreams
SUCCEED in learning and in life
As a result, our children will be:
Competent life-long learners - skilled, knowledgeable, critical thinkers, good communicators, literate, numerate, capable readers and writers, next-step ready, work-ready, a good punctual attender
Ambitious for themselves and their community – confident, responsible, respectful, good citizens, independent, a team-player, motivated, tolerant, law-abiding, virtuous
Healthy in mind and body – happy, resilient, emotionally literate, empathic, self-regulating, kind, calm, honest, negotiators and mediators, physically active, risk-aware.
We value:
- Working together
- Positive relationships
- Effort
- Similarities and differences
We dream it, believe it, achieve it and succeed
We will achieve our vision by
- safeguarding children and striving for them to feel happy in their lives
- providing a warm, trusting and motivating environment across the service, where students attend highly and thrive personally and in learning;
- providing a broad and balanced curriculum through which students take an active part in their own learning and are supported in knowing more, remembering more and being able to do more
- supporting students to remain in mainstream school; where possible
- working to ensure that all students develop their literacy and numeracy skills, leaving WPES KS4 with a qualification in Maths & English;
- preparing students for the next stage of their educational journey;
- supporting students improve their emotional resilience, stability and mental health so that they are better equipped to manage strong emotions and build healthy relationships;
- recognising the needs of individuals, placing suitable demands on them and stimulating them to achieve success;
- creating ordered, inclusive and friendly communities where relationships are positive and founded on courtesy, respect and shared values;
- developing strong links between home, school and, where appropriate, other relevant agencies; supporting the development of stronger family units;
- supporting our students in accessing appropriate placements at an Additional Alternative Provision or specialist environment.