Woodbridge Park Education Service

CATE Admissions

Admission Criteria for the CATE Centre

The CATE Centre is committed to offering a holistic and nurturing educational environment to students facing challenges in accessing mainstream education due to mental health. To ensure clarity and transparency in the admission process, the following criteria and guidelines are in place:


Referral and Eligibility:

Referral Process: Students are eligible for admission to CATE through a referral from a Tier 3 CAMHS consultant. The referral should be based on a careful assessment of the student's specific mental health.

Support for Key Stages: CATE caters to a range of student categories, including Key Stage 3 (Year 7 to 9), Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and Year 11), and sixth form students.


Duration of Stay:

Key Stage 3 and Year 10: For KS3 and Year 10 students, CATE offers short-term interim provision, typically lasting up to 12 weeks. During this period, students are dual registered with their home school, with CATE serving as a subsidiary registration.

Duration Limit: KS3 and Year 10 students are not expected to stay at CATE for more than 6 months. Any extension beyond this period requires approval from the Headteacher in consultation with the local authority. This ensures that students receive timely and appropriate support during their stay at CATE while allowing for flexibility in extraordinary cases.

Year 11 and 6th Form: Year 11 and 6th form students are single registered at CATE. They may undertake their GCSE exams at CATE, providing a supportive environment for their academic achievements. However, it is essential to note that placements at 6th form will be concluded if student engagement becomes too low to make meaningful progress.

Interview Process: Prior to admission, students will be invited to a placement interview. If a student misses the first interview, two subsequent opportunities will be provided. However, if a student fails to attend after three opportunities have been offered, their placement will be offered to another eligible student.



Assessment Period and Placement Confirmation:

6-Week Assessment Offer: Upon admission, students and their home schools will enter into a 6-week assessment period. During this time, the students will receive support, and their progress and well-being will be closely monitored.

Placement Confirmation: No placement at CATE is confirmed until the 6-week assessment period has concluded, and it is determined that the placement is successful and beneficial for the student. This assessment allows for a thorough evaluation of the student's compatibility with the centre’s environment and support services.


Termination of Placement:

Challenging Behaviour: While at CATE, students are expected to exhibit behaviour conducive to the normal functioning of the centre, which prioritises a safe and inclusive learning environment. CATE reserves the right to terminate a student's placement in cases of defiant, loud, challenging, and /or disruptive behaviour that may disrupt the well-being and educational experience of all students. This measure is essential to ensure a supportive and harmonious environment for all students at the centre.

Engagement Expectations: Active engagement at CATE is essential for successful progress. Students are encouraged to participate fully in their academic and therapeutic activities.


Home School Responsibilities:

Home schools play a vital role in the success of students attending CATE. Their responsibilities include:

Attendance at Placement Reviews: Home schools are required to attend all placement reviews as scheduled by CATE. These reviews are essential for monitoring the progress of the students and ensuring that their educational and emotional needs are being met.

Initiating the EHCP Process: Home schools are responsible for initiating the process of obtaining an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) for students who may require one. CATE will actively support home schools in navigating and completing the EHCP paperwork, ensuring that the process is as smooth and efficient as possible

Sending Necessary Paperwork and Safeguarding Information: Home schools are responsible for providing CATE with all required paperwork and safeguarding information about the student. This includes academic records, medical history, and any other relevant documentation to support the student's well-being.

Completing the CATE Passport: Home schools are expected to complete the CATE Passport, which contains essential information about the student's needs, preferences, and any strategies that have proven effective in supporting their development.

Visiting CATE: Home schools are encouraged to visit CATE periodically to check on the well-being and progress of their students. This collaborative effort promotes transparency and a shared commitment to the students' educational journey.

Reintegration: Home schools are responsible for leading the reintegration process. This will include engaging with the current network, liaising with parents, and it may include identifying and facilitating a smooth transition to an appropriate school setting when necessary.


Additional Information:

Support Services: CATE offers a range of support services, including educational programs tailored to individual needs and therapeutic resources aimed at fostering holistic development.

Parent/carers Involvement: Parents or carers are valued partners in the student's educational journey. Their active involvement and collaboration are encouraged throughout the admission and reintegration process.

Reintegration Planning: CATE collaborates closely with students' home schools and specialist provisions to ensure a smooth transition.

Monitoring and Evaluation: The progress of students is closely monitored and evaluated, with updates shared with parents, carers, CAMHS and schools to facilitate informed decision-making.


Out-of-Borough Referrals at CATE

CATE accepts out-of-Borough referrals, provided they adhere to the same referral rules as Hounslow (CAMHS consultant referral). For these referrals, a fee will be applicable. The fee structure is as follows:

  • Daily Rate: £200
  • We will invoice for six weeks at a time, requiring payment six weeks in advance. If payment is not received, the placement will be terminated.
  • A six-week placement review meeting will be held to decide on extending the placement. If extended, the Borough will be invoiced for another six weeks in advance.

CATE's student capacity has been increased to 50 students. These placements are exclusively for Hounslow CAMHS students. Any CATE+ or out-of-Borough referrals will not count towards this 50-student capacity. If we reach full capacity with 50 Hounslow CAMHS students, CATE may decide not to accept any additional CATE+ or out-of-Borough referrals.

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