CATE - Sixth Form
The CATE Sixth Form offers a bespoke provision designed to meet the needs of young people, who due to mental health and medical issues, have missed out on educational opportunities. Students have the opportunity to follow a broad and balanced curriculum, which meets the requirements of the National Curriculum and also caters for the specific individual needs of the students who attend.
Our curriculum aims to remove barriers to learning so that students are prepared for the next phase in their educational or career pathway. There is a strong emphasis on re-engagement in education and developing employability skills. We stretch and challenge students to make excellent progress from their individual baselines. Students who have literacy, numeracy, communication and/or emotional delays, are supported through targeted interventions and strategies.
The Sixth Form curriculum offers core GCSES in English and Maths, and up to four option subjects selected from Science, Citizenship, Art, Religious Studies, Geography and PE. In addition to our GCSE curriculum, all students have access to our Princes Trust Achieve Programme, which helps develop interpersonal skills and confidence in learning. Students have the opportunity to achieve an accreditation in Employability skills and are encouraged to complete a work placement during the course of their studies. Our on-site connexions advisor offers 1:1 sessions which help students plan for next steps and we support students in visits to local colleges and training providers.
Our curriculum is delivered and assessed by:
- - A range of relevant subjects based upon the National Curriculum and vocational pathways.
- - Provision to enable our students and staff to work and communicate together effectively and accommodating emotional wellbeing and health needs
- - A team of specialist teachers and support staff so that we meet the requirements of the National Curriculum and the specific individual needs of our pupils.
- - Baselining on entry to the CATE 6th
- - Regular, half-termly assessments from which judgments on progress can be made.
- - Teaching groups of between 6-8 pupils, reflecting the complex needs of our pupils.
- - A well-planned series of enrichment activities, cross-curricular SMSC provision and work-related, careers development.
- - All staff having regard for literacy, SPAG and numeracy which is supported by online learning programmes such as Lexia and IXL.
The desired impact of our curriculum is ultimately to enable our pupils to experience personal success from their CATE 6th Form starting point, to stabilise them emotionally and secure appropriate academic progress so that they can effectively move on with their lives:
- To provide a warm, trusting and motivating environment across the service, where students attend highly and thrive personally and in learning;
- - To prepare students for the next phase of their education or training.
- - To improve their emotional resilience, stability and mental health so that they are better equipped to manage strong emotions and build healthy relationships;
- - To create ordered, inclusive and friendly communities where relationships are positive and founded on courtesy, respect and shared values;
We will judge this impact by:
- - Pupil progress data
- - KS5 progress against targets
- - Improvements in pupil attendance
- - Rate of NEETS
- - Progression rates into college, training and employment
- - Pupil, parent and stakeholder perception (surveys)