Woodbridge Park Education Service


The CATE Centre takes a holistic and nurturing approach for students who, due to mental health and medical issues, are unable to access mainstream education.

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum and the specific individual needs of CATE students. Students have access to full time provision, incorporating flexible and personalised programmes of study where appropriate.


Entry to CATE is through a referral from a Tier 3 CAMHS clinician for secondary aged students. We offer a short-term interim provision for KS3 and Year 10 students, and we support reintegration back into mainstream education or a specialist provision, usually within 12 weeks. Students who are referred into CATE after Easter in Year 10 and those students in Year 11 have the opportunity to prepare for GCSE exams and other qualifications and are likely to stay until the end of Year 11 unless it is more appropriate for them to return to mainstream school.


CATE does not serve as a final destination for students; rather, it functions as a temporary support mechanism aimed to assist students reintegrating into the mainstream educational.


Our curriculum aims to remove barriers to learning so that CATE students are prepared for the next step in their educational journey. Our curriculum engages, supports challenge and stretches students to make excellent progress both socially, emotionally and academically from their CATE baselines. We make provision for the literacy, numeracy, communication and emotional delays students are experiencing, through targeted interventions and strategies.

Our enrichment and social skills curriculum offers all students the chance to develop their resilience and emotional literacy. A robust PSHCE and SMSC provision helps instil a sense of tolerance and understanding towards each other and acceptance of difference, whilst working together to build positive peer and group relationships. CATE students have access to a wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities including music, drama, gardening, cooking and homework club, as well as outside speakers and workshops.


The Key Stage 3 Curriculum at CATE includes the core subjects English, Maths & Science. Students also have the opportunity to study Geography, Art, Drama, PE, History, PSCHE and Food Technology.


The Key Stage 4 Curriculum at CATE includes preparation and study towards GCSE exams and other qualifications. We offer GCSES in the core subjects for English and Maths, as well as Functional Skills.  Students can also choose up to four option subjects including Science, Art, Citizenship, PE, Religious Studies, Geography and Food Technology. Students also have the opportunity to complete a work skills qualification.


CATE Sixth Form offers an innovative provision for young people who need support to re-engage with education following a period of ill health. Currently the Sixth Form academic pathway offers core GCSES in English and Maths, and up to four option subjects selected from Science, Citizenship, Art, Religious Studies, Geography and PE. Our Prince’s Trust Pathway focuses on developing interpersonal skills and confidence in learning.


Y11 and Y12 students in CATE have 1:1 sessions with a careers advisor, as well as opportunities to complete a work experience placement.


Our curriculum is delivered by providing:


  • A range of relevant subjects based upon the National Curriculum
  • Giving a necessary focus to personal development, emotional resilience and mental health through strong relationships, robust intervention and a well-planned school day
  • A school day of 6 lessons of approximately 40 minutes each, reflecting the complex needs of learners with emotional and mental health barriers
  • A team of specialist teachers and support staff, including our onsite Mental Health Practitioner, so that we meet specific individual needs of our students
  • Baselining on entry to CATE
  • Regular, half-termly assessments from which judgments on progress can be made
  • Provision to enable our students and staff to work and communicate together effectively and accommodating emotional wellbeing and health needs
  • Small teaching groups of between 6-8 students reflecting the complex needs of our students
  • A series of robust academic, social and emotional interventions so that all barriers to making progress are removed and students are more likely to progress onto the next stage of their educational journey
  • A well-planned series of enrichment activities, a PSHCE programme, cross-curricular SMSC provision and work-related, careers development
  • All staff having regard for literacy, SPAG and numeracy which is supported by online learning programmes such as Accelerated Reader and IXL.

The desired impact of our curriculum is ultimately to enable our students to experience personal success from their starting point at CATE, to support and stabilise them emotionally and secure appropriate academic progress so that they can effectively move on with their lives:


  • To provide a warm, trusting and motivating environment where students attend highly and thrive personally and in learning.
  • To prepare students for the next stage of their educational journey.
  • To improve their emotional resilience, stability and mental health so that they are better equipped to manage strong emotions and build healthy relationships.

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