Gateway and Gateway PLUS
In partnership with local secondary schools WPES supports Day 6+ Fixed Period Exclusions, Day 1 LAC, and the development of preventative programmes to prevent permanent exclusions.
This provision known as Gateway will:- Be time limited early intervention for pupils who are clearly able to thrive in mainstream following support and intervention
- Offer a range of support to a limited number of pupils
- Offer up to 12 weeks’ maximum (60 school days) Gateway is a time limited intervention
- support transition back into a mainstream educational placement
The purpose of the Gateway Preventive programme is early intervention to:
- Support pupils in their self-management and readiness for learning;
There are 5 main areas linked to this - Self-control and management of behaviour, Social skills, Self-awareness and confidence, Skills for learning, Approach to learning
- The Head of Gateway & requesting school will determine the length of provision
Pupils are dual registered with their mainstream school and Woodbridge Park, with WPES being the subsidiary registration.
Gateway is not a long-term provision for secondary aged students - it’s a preventative model
- A WPES Gateway application must be submitted by the school.
- During placement at Gateway, the pupil will be dual registered with WPES and their ‘home’ school.
The provision
- Gateway dedicated entrance/exit/own playground area/prepared school lunches on site/Specialist staff on site/use of specialist teaching areas to enhance curriculum
- Gateway staff part of the whole WPES staff team - with access to CPD/JDs/PM
- Named Member of Staff from WPES Leadership to over see the programme
Gateway PLUS
Gateway PLUS an enhanced offer to secondary schools to provide more intensive support and bespoke intervention. It is a service that schools can use when evidence suggests that a pupil has almost reached the end of their journey with them and seek an intensive, holistic programme of intervention to get them back on track. The pupil is dual registered with Woodbridge Park and with their mainstream school for up to a half-term (or longer by negotiation)
Pupils referred in for Gateway PLUS attend The Gateway Centre for initial assessment and induction for a short period of time. Pupils are then assigned full time to a Woodbridge Park Centre (KS3 or KS4) and they attend normal lessons with other Woodbridge Park learners. Gateway PLUS pupils are assessed and monitored using our Personal Learning Development Toolkit which will provide a mainstream school with a detailed holistic picture of the learner, their triggers and strategies which support them in accessing learning. Gateway PLUS learners have full access to all our WPES curriculum resources including: Computing & Coding Suite, DT Facility, Calm Room, Music Hub, Cookery Base.
Pupils also receive time with an experienced Intervention Manager and can be offered a wide range of our intervention programmes to address specific barriers.
Referrals for Gateway PLUS are made initially to the Headteacher of WPES via phone or email contact.
Please see the Provision Comparison - Gateway and Gateway PLUS
Where there is availability, Woodbridge Park can be commissioned by secondary schools to support with Managed Moves between schools.
This is not a registration with WPES, but a support package for a defined period of time to support both schools with the transition and provide a holistic assessment of a child / young person. A pupil must be dual registered with two Hounslow Secondary Schools.
A support package might include:
- 1 day per week at a WPES site to access small group tuition
- Access to the full range of curriculum areas and resources
- Access to an Engagement and Intervention Manager
- Access to a bespoke intervention programme
The support package might be more intensive and see a child accessing 2 or 3 days a week of WPES support.
The duration of the Managed Move Support Package will be a minimum of four weeks at £132 per day or partial day. An average 4 week programme of 2 days per week will cost a secondary school £1,056.
Every child / young person on this programme will be assessed using the WPES Personal Learning and Development Passport to provide schools with a holistic assessment of need, triggers for negative behaviour and a deep insight into the causes of a negative behaviour cycle.
If you would like to make a referral to Gateway see below