Supporting Agencies
Woodbridge Park has clear values. One of these values is ‘Working Together’.
We value all our partners and supporting agencies and believe that the best outcomes for children and young people are achieved when everybody wraps around the family and the child and commits to working in partnership to support improvements.
The partners we work very closely with are:
- The London Borough of Hounslow – our main commissioner of services and our key partner in the development of services to local schools, families and children
- Hounslow Education Partnership – a key partner with respect to engagement with all schools in Hounslow and for the development of our service offer
- West Thames College – essential partnership work that is impacting on the KS4 curriculum and enabling more vocational learning and more solid post-16 pathways
- Ambitious About Autism – a developing partnership which will enable more effective subject moderation and joint professional development
- The Family School, Islington – there has been joint professional development, joint working on strategies to engage parents & carers and some joint curriculum work
We also work with a range of supporting agencies that benefits our children, young people and their families greatly:
- Social Care
- Educational Psychology Service
- Youth Offending Service
- Youth Service
- Metropolitan Police
The impact of our partnerships is clear:
- Improved outcomes for some of our most complex cases / students
- Improved support for families in challenging circumstances
- Improved behaviour & attendance
- More effective follow-up and prevention to criminal activity in the community
- More tailored and impactful assessments of pupil need on entry to our service and throughout a child’s time with us