The Bridge
We value working together, positive relationships, effort, similarities and differences. We value the whole child, taking into account the social, physical, emotional and financial context of many of our learners.
The Bridge Curriculum:
- meets the requirements of the National Curriculum and the specific individual needs of the complex, vulnerable pupils who attend
- is personalised where appropriate and engages, supports, challenges and stretches pupils to make excellent progress socially, emotionally, physically and academically from their baselines
- makes provision for the literacy, numeracy, communication and emotional difficulties our pupils are managing
- develops the whole person through spiritual, moral, social and communication strategies, which instil a sense of tolerance and understanding towards each other, and acceptance of difference
- enables peer and group work
- is enriched by academic and social, emotional interventions and deep real-world experiences such as trips, curriculum days and events such as World Book Day
The desired impact of our curriculum is ultimately to enable our pupils to experience personal success from their WPES starting point, to stabilise them emotionally and secure appropriate academic progress so that they can effectively move on with their lives.
Our intention is to:
- Develop the whole person – socially, emotionally and academically; enabling excellent progress
- Develop teamwork, a good work ethic, strong relationships and tolerance towards others
- Personalise learning
- Remove barriers to learning
- Provide relevant enrichment
- Prepare pupils for mainstream school and / or the next step in their educational journey
- Include our children in their learning and give them a voice
The desired impact of our curriculum is ultimately to enable our pupils to experience personal success from their WPES starting point, to stabilise them emotionally and secure appropriate academic progress so that they can effectively move on with their lives.
We will judge this impact by:
- Pupil progress data
- Pupil progress against targets
- Improvements in pupil attendance
- Rates of behaviour incidents, exclusions
- Success of re-integration back into mainstream settings
- Pupil, parent and stakeholder perception (surveys) and pupil voice