Woodbridge Park Education Service

Support for Managed Moves

Support for Managed Moves in Secondary Schools

Where there is availability, Woodbridge Park can be commissioned by secondary schools to support with Managed Moves between schools.

This is not a registration with WPES, but a support package for a defined period of time to support both schools with the transition and provide a holistic assessment of a child / young person. A pupil must be dual registered with two Hounslow Secondary Schools.

A support package might include:

  • 1 day per week at a WPES site to access small group tuition
  • Access to the full range of curriculum areas and resources
  • Access to an Engagement and Intervention Manager
  • Access to a bespoke intervention programme

The support package might be more intensive and see a child accessing 2 or 3 days a week of WPES support.

The duration of the Managed Move Support Package will be a minimum of four weeks at £132 per day or partial day.  An average 4 week programme of 2 days per week will cost a secondary school £1,056.

Every child / young person on this programme will be assessed using the WPES Personal Learning and Development Passport to provide schools with a holistic assessment of need, triggers for negative behaviour and a deep insight into the causes of a negative behaviour cycle.


Support Package for Managed Moves in Primary Schools

Where two Primary schools subscribe to Pathways, they can access a free advice and support service in relation to a managed move between the two schools. This means that they can contact The Bridge for advice with a transition programme. A pupil will need to be dual registered with subscribing Pathways schools to be eligible. Where capacity exists, a pupil who is being managed moved between two primary schools can access (without registration with WPES) up to 2 days on-site support for up to 4 weeks. This is a free service where capacity allows.


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