The UKANTRA Programme to Prevent Permanent Exclusion
Woodbridge Park (resources depending) can support local schools by accepting a pupil onto a dual registered placement for a week / 2 weeks to enable an intensive intervention programme to take place following an incident where a young person has been found with a knife at school. The intervention programme can be used as a top-up to a fixed-term exclusion and as a means of preventing the need for a permanent exclusion should the mainstream school be satisfied that the young person has engaged fully with the intervention and can show that they have learnt from the situation. Any referrals into UKANTRA should be made to Hilary Baker at the Local Authority and to Ian Berryman, Headteacher so a decision can be made as to whether the dual registration placement can be facilitated. Should the Local Authority support the temporary placement, it will be free of charge to the mainstream school; if not, the school will be charged £132 per day for the duration of the dual registration.
Please find attached the pupil work book that accompanies the UKANTRA Programme:
UKANTRA_Knife Crime Booklet Programme.pdf