Woodbridge Park Education Service

Understanding Behaviour / Staff debriefs

 At Woodbridge Park, we are working hard to delve beneath challenging or negative behaviour cycles to understand what the causes are. We believe that if the causes are managed, then the presentation of problematic behaviours will lessen.

In order to do this, we expect all staff to engage in regular professional reflective practice as individuals and as teams.

 We use a variety of tool kits for staff reflection and debriefs – please use and adapt these for your own use:

Circles of understanding

Leading staff to reflect

We also support our staff to systematically check their own emotional state to gage that they are the appropriate adult to be managing a challenging situation. We understand at Woodbridge Park that the manner in which adults engage during a challenging situation can make it better or far worse. Our overriding aim is for adults to be and remain calm, and for children to become calmer. The simple ‘in the moment’ reflection can help staff consider if they are emotionally-appropriate to engage:

 Dealing with Challenging Situations 



















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